THE HOOVER RESOLUTION Since early in 1993 a group of citizens, with the assistance of some of the scholars at Stanford's Hoover Institution have been working on a process to cause the reexaminationand redesign of our nation's drug laws. Their essential conclusions are to be found in a resolution which states, "our society must recognize drug use and abuse as the medical and social problems that they are and that they must be treated with medical and social solutions" and "be it resolved that an objective commission be immediately empowered by the President and by Congress to recommend revision of the drug laws of these United States in order to reduce the harm our current policies are causing." On September 20 Congressman Don Edwards introduced HR3100 -- "A BILL to establish the Commission on National Drug Policy". There is now the opportunity to help pass this legislation and to bring about an open public debate on this topic which has been plagued with a fear of openess and rational discourse. The Following sections of this post include: 1. A press release from Congressman Edwards' Office on the bill. 2. The text of the first half of the bill and a digest of the second half (which covers essentially technical aspects of implementation). 3. Text for a suggested letter to Congressperson urging co- sponsorship of HR3100. 4. Text of the Hoover Institution Resolution. 5. A partial roster of some of the eminent signatories of the Resolution. People who would like to act in concert to bring about a rational public debate on this issue, now is the time to call or write your congressman and request that he/she co-sponsor HR3100. Be sure to request that they write back and tell you what action they are going to take. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in this effort. -------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Rosenfield Peacenet: tel: 213-836-0926 Compuserve: 72341,3027 off: 213-721-5525 ext.300 fax: 213-722-6642 Please let me know when you read this. Congressman DON EDWARDS NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release 9/21/93 93-40 Contact Michael Vagnucci Telephone: (202) 225-3072 EDWARDS CALLS FOR NEW DRUG CONTROL STRATEGY Citing the failure of current federal drug control efforts, Congressman Don Edwards (D-San Jose) today called for the formation of a national commission to recommend a new, comprehensive drug control policy. The commission would be formed under the National Drug Control Policy Act of 1993 (H.R. 3100), legislation introduced by Rep. Edwards. "In just over a decade, we've seen an almost ten-fold increase in the amount of federal funds devoted to stemming the tide of drug abuse, yet drugs continue to take an enormous toll on our society," Edwards said. "Simply spending more money is not the answer. We have to learn how to spend that money intelligently and get results." Edwards noted that the United States cannot afford to wait any longer for a solution to the drug crisis. A 1992 study by the University of Southern California School of Business estimated the cost of drug abuse to the U.S. economy as at least $76 billion in 1991. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce puts the costs to society even higher, saying drug abuse costs businesses $160 billion annually in lost productivity, higher medical bills, absenteeism, theft and injury. Mandatory minimum sentencing, part of a strategy of setting severe penalties for drug offenses, even for first time, nonviolent offenses, has swamped the courts and overwhelmed our federal prisons. H.R. 3100 would establish a 13-member Commission, composed of experts who confront the drug problem everyday: physicians, law enforcement officials, judges, district attorneys, educators, drug rehabilitation workers, and community leaders. The Commission would be bipartisan, with members appointed by the President and the leadership of both parties in the House and the Senate. The Commission would have 18 months to conduct public hearings and make recommendations for legislative and administrative action to the President and to Congress. "Commissioners could apply their hands-on experience to this issue free from the political pressures faced by elected officials," Edwards explained. "We have already tried what is politically popular and the result has been ruined lives, devastated communities and overcrowded prisons. Now it is time to focus on policies that will work, and the Commission on National Drug Control Policy can tell us how to begin that effort." Congressman Edwards is the Vice Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and chairs the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights. He also serves on the Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice. The following is my copy of the first sections of the bill with a few notes about the later sections. For the full text, consult Congressman Edward's office. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HR3100, In the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A BILL to establish the Commission on National Drug Policy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Section 1, Short title. This Act may be cited as the "National Drug Control Policy Act of 1993". Section 2. Establishment. there is established a commission to be known as the "Commission on National Drug Policy". Sec. 3. Duties of the Commission. (a) Study. - The Commission shall conduct a study of the unlawful production, distribution and use of controlled substances, including -- (1) an investigation into the various causes of the unlawful use in the United States of controlled substances and the relative significance of the various causes, (2) an evaluation of the efficacy of existing Federal laws regarding the unlawful production, distribution, and use of controlled substances, including the efficacy of Federal minimum sentences for violations of the laws regarding the unlawful sale and use of controlled substances; (3) an analysis of the costs, benefits, risks, and advantages of the present national policy regarding controlled substances and of potential modifications of the policy, including and analysis of what proportion of the funds dedicated to combating the unlawful sale and use of controlled substances should be devoted to -- (A) interdicting controlled substances entering the United States unlawfully; (B) enforcing Federal laws relating the unlawful production, distribution and use of controlled substances; (C) eduction and other forms of preventing the unlawful use of controlled substances, or (D) rehabilitating individuals who use controlled substances unlawfully; and (4) an analysis of methods of rehabilitation, including an evaluation of the efficacy of current methods and suggestions for new methods. (b) REPORT. -- Within 18 months after the date on which funds first become available to carry out this Act, the Commission - - (1) shall submit to the President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President pro tempore of the Senate a comprehensive report on the study conducted under subsection (a), and (2) shall make the report available to the public upon request. The report shall include the Commission's conclusions and recommendations which at least a majority of the Commission have agreed upon and the Commission's proposals for legislation ;and administrative action necessary to carry out the Commission's recommendations. Summarizing from here on..... Sec.4. MEMBERSHIP (a) Number and Appointment -- 13 (1) By the President -- 5 (2) By the Leaders of the Senate -- 4 (3) By the Leaders of the House -- 4 (b) Qualifications -- must be individuals representing the professions that deal with those who produce, distribute, and use controlled substances unlawfully. Elected Federal officials are NOT qualified. (1) law enforcement (2) physicians (3) social workers (4) judges and attorneys (5) Drug Enforcement Agency staff (6) drug rehabilitation counselors (7) religious leaders (8) community leaders from inner-city communities (9) educators (10) academic experts (c) Pay - equivalent to GS-15 plus travel and per diem. Dear Congressman _________: Under the preceding two administrations we launched and pursued a "war" on drugs which has failed to benefit our society, but has taken a severe toll. The overall situation regarding the use of drugs in our society and the crime and misery that accompanies prohibition has continued to deteriorate. Our society has attempted, at enormous financial cost, to resolve drug abuse problems through the criminal justice system, with the accompanying increases of prisons and numbers of inmates. The present system has spawned a cycle of hostility by the incarceration of disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups. In our society's zeal to pursue our criminal approach, legitimate medical uses for the relief of pain and suffering of patients have been suppressed, and many have suffered needlessly, as a result. A large and growing body of eminent leaders in our society has called for an objective commission, empowered by the President and by Congress, to recommend revision of our drug laws in order to reduce the harm our current policies are causing. This effort began as a petition originating fromthe Hoover Institution at Stanford University. A partial list of the signatories follows this letter. This month, Representative Don Edwards introduced HR3100, which will create just such a commission, as recommended by the Hoover Resolution. I urge you to support this bill. I request that you become a cosponsor of this legislation. We very badly need to reconsider our society's whole approach to this problem as rationally, logically and as dispassionately as we can. This legislation will form the foundation for this work. Please write to me and let me know what actions you will take onthis matter. Yours truly; RESOLUTION Whereas, the overall situation regarding the use of drugs in our society and the crime and misery that accompanies it has continued to deteriorate for several decades; and Whereas, our society has continued to attempt, at enormous financial cost, to resolve drug abuse problems through the criminal justice system, with the accompanying increases of prisons and numbers of inmates; and Whereas, the huge untaxed revenues generated by the illicit drug trade are undermining legitimate governments world-wide; and Whereas, the present system has spawned a cycle of hostility by the incarceration of disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups; and Whereas, the number of people who have contracted AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases from contaminated hypodermic needles is epidemic under our present system; and Whereas, in our society's zeal to pursue our criminal approach, legitimate medical uses for the relief of pain and suffering of patients have been suppressed. Therefore be it resolved that our society must recognize drug use and abuse as the medical and social problems that they are and that they must be treated with medical and social solutions; and Further be it resolved that an objective commission be immediately empowered by the President and by Congress to recommend revision of the drug laws of these United States in order to reduce the harm our current policies are causing. Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________ Name:___________________________________________ Title:______________ Organization:________________________________________________________ Please send to: Jim Rosenfield, c/o 7400 Bandini Blvd., Commerce CA 90040 and send a copy to to: President Bill Clinton, White House, Washington, DC Hoover Institution Signers (Partial list, as of July 16, 1993) ORIGINAL SIGNERS Dr. Milton Friedman - Nobel prize-winning economist Kurt Schmoke - Mayor of Baltimore Joseph D. McNamara - Former Police Chief of San Jose Dr. Herbert Berger - Internationally recognized expert on drug abuse. Dr. Harvey Rose - Author of California's "Intractable Pain Treatment Act" Dr. Frederick H. Meyers - Head of the California State Research Advisory Panel on Drugs Dr. Jack McCarthy Dr. Gary Davis Dr. Benson Roe Dr. Stephen Fisher Dr. Clarke Smith Judge James P. Gray Judge James Smith Federal Magistrate Ronald R. Rose Reverend Leonard Jackson, First A.M.E. Church of Los Angeles Reverend J. D. Moore, First A.M.E. Church of Los Angeles Richard Arthur, Author of Gangs and Schools Janis Paige, Actress Gibb Martin - Founder, No More Drug War Kathy Smith - Social Activist Clifford A. Schaffer - Author, Computer Consultant VIPs Frank Jordan - Mayor of San Francisco Elihu Harris - Mayor of Oakland Susan Hammer - Mayor of San Jose The Chiefs of Police of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose The Sheriff and District Attorney of San Francisco Father Joseph Kane and 23 chaplains at Rikers Island Prison Reverend Bruce Larson - Co-Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral Dr. Grayson Lawrence - Professor of Pharmacy, University of Southern California Dr. Luis Icaza - Member of the California State Research Advisory Panel Charles W. Froelich - Associate Justice, Calif. Court of Appeals Whitman Knapp - Senior US District Judge Jack B. Weinstein - Senior US District Judge Rear Admiral (retired) W. Norman Johnson - Vice President of Boston University. 35 members of the faculty at the University of California at Irvine Rufus King, Attorney, Washington, DC Hal Gunn, Attorney, Los Angeles, California Alan Friel, Attorney, Los Angeles, California Peter Hirsch, Attorney, New York, New York Eric Sterling, Attorney, Washington, DC Hugh Downs, Host of 20/20 Dr. Dean Edell, M.D. Radio Show Host Danny Glover, Actor Members of the Clergy James W. Prescott, Ph.D., Director, Institute of Humanistic Science, San Diego, California Father Joseph Ganssle, OFM, President, Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy, Washington, DC Father Joseph P. Kane, S.J., Catholic Chaplain, Rikers Island, NY Sister Marion Defeis, Catholic Chaplain, Rikers Island, New York Reverend Thomas Sheridan, S.J., St. Peter's College, Jersey Cty, NJ Reverend Jonathan Tetherly, Chicopee, Massachusetts Reverend Alexander A. Di Lella, OFM, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC Rabbi Rav A. Soloff, Ph.D., Lansdale, Pennsylvania Pastor Andrew L. Gunn, St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Washington, DC, President, Clergy for an Enlightened Drug Policy Reverend William Wallace Finlator, Raleigh, North Carolina Reverend R. J. Gray, Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church, Compton, California Health Care Professionals Alice Murphy, Registered Nurse, Long Island, New York Joanne Morris, Registered Nurse, Fresno, California Dr. Jeri Rose, Doctor of Chiropractic, Altadena, California Dr. Ronald Hutchings, Doctor of Chiropractic, Altadena, California Dr. Robert M. Solow, DDS, Woodland Hills, California Dr. Michael Robertson, DDS, DMD, Woodland Hills, California Organizations California Medical Association California Central Democratic Committee Central Conference of American Rabbis Criminal Justice Policy Foundation The Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy Clergy for an Enlightened Drug Policy Carol Ann Rand, Pres., Advocates for Self-Government, Atlanta, GA Kay Stone, Chairman, Libertarian Party, Alamogordo, New Mexico Chris Conrad, President, Family Council on Drug Awareness, Los Angeles, California Dale Gierenger, President, California Coalition for Drug Policy Reform, Oakland, California Southern California Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, Los Angeles, California Andrea Rich, President, Center for Independent Thought, New York, NY Mike Rosiny, Coordinating Director, Illinois Marijuana Initiative, Chicago, Illinois Joey Tranchina, President, AIDS Prevention Action Network, San Mateo, California Eric Sterling, President, Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, Washington, DC Eric Harlow, President, Save Our Liberties, San Rafael, California Introduction to the Hoover Resolution by Clifford A. Schaffer July 15, 1993 On December 28, 1992 I wrote to Judge James P. Gray of Orange County, California to ask him to help me draft a letter which prominent people could sign, and ask others to sign, to show that they were united in demanding major reform of our national drug policy. Judge Gray, Dr. Clarke Smith, and I, wrote the bulk of the wording of what was to become known as the Hoover Resolution. By happy coincidence, Kathy Smith, the wife of Dr. Clarke Smith, arranged a meeting with Dr. Milton Friedman and Joseph McNamara to discuss the resolution. News of the meeting spread farther and more quickly than even we had intended and, before we knew it, we had a list of attendees for the meeting which included some of the world's most prominent citizens and internationally recognized experts on drug abuse, some of whom have been in the field for more than fifty years. On February 26, 1992 we met at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, finalized the wording, and signed the resolution which calls for an objective Federal Commission to review the evidence on drug policy and to form a new drug policy which does not do so much harm. A list of these signers is enclosed. The purpose of the resolution is to 1) draft a statement which all fair-minded people would agree with, and thus build a consensus for reform and 2) call for concrete action for reform. Reaction to the resolution has been beyond our wildest dreams. The mayors and chiefs of police of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose held an unprecedented joint press conference to publicly sign the resolution. Major medical organizations, religious organizations, and literally dozens of judges, law enforcement officials, and others have publicly announced their support of the Hoover Resolution and the call for a Federal Commission to review and rewrite drug policy. We are also beginning to receive major support for the resolution from around the world. There will be more news about this later. The resolution has received major news coverage across the nation, including an excellent article by Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein in the NY Times, July 8, 1993, and a call for the Federal Commission by three Federal judges on Nightline on (or about) July 10, 1993. It has also received a combined total of several complete pages of coverage in the LA Times, the San Francisco Examiner, and the SF Chronicle, the Oakland Tribune, the San Jose News-Mercury, the Baltimore Sun, Newsweek (June 14, 1993), and many, many others. It has received more favorable news coverage for drug policy reform than any other single event of the last twenty-five years. Some of the original signers of the resolution support "legalization" or "decriminalization". However, we do not ask anyone to support or endorse any particular approach to the drug problem. We simply ask everyone to admit that the current drug policy has not worked and that it is time to review the evidence in an open and honest commission and to form a new drug policy which does not do so much harm -- whatever that policy may be. Let's lay the facts on the table, and let the chips fall where they may. I have enclosed a copy of the resolution, along with a list of signers, and some of the more important facts relative to drug policy. We (the signers of the Hoover Resolution), ask that you sign the Resolution and send a copy to President Bill Clinton, The White House, Washington, DC. We also ask that you ask others to sign the resolution and send it in to Bill Clinton. If the Resolution is signed or endorsed by any groups or organizations we ask that you send those endorsements to: Jim Rosenfield, c/o 7400 Bandini Blvd, Commerce CA 90040 Please remember that we are not asking you to endorse legalization, or decriminalization, or any other approach to drugs. We are simply asking you to admit that the time has come to re- examine the facts and fairly investigate other possible approaches. Some people have asked whether we are accepting contributions or if we have a formal organization. We do not solicit or distribute funds because it would create ethical problems for the judges. Everything that has happened or been done with respect to the resolution has been funded entirely out of the personal funds of the people involved (and it has often been considerable.) We do not have a formal organization because that would require funding which, as I said, might create ethical problems for the judges. This is entirely a grass-roots effort with no leader, no staff, but an awful lot of committed supporters. This makes it all the more amazing what this resolution has done is such a short time. There are some people who are engaged in fund-raising activities who also agree with and are promoting the Hoover Resolution. On some occasions, you may find the Hoover Resolution at places where they sell clothing, drug war stamps, or whatever. Please understand that these sales activities are entirely the business of those individuals and they do not raise funds for any of the original signers or promoters of the Hoover Resolution. The Hoover Resolution is free to everyone who wants it and the original signers do not want it connected with any attempt to collect money in any form. --------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION Whereas, the overall situation regarding the use of drugs in our society and the crime and misery that accompanies it has continued to deteriorate for several decades; and Whereas, our society has continued to attempt, at enormous financial cost, to resolve drug abuse problems through the criminal justice system, with the accompanying increases of prisons and numbers of inmates; and Whereas, the huge untaxed revenues generated by the illicit drug trade are undermining legitimate governments world-wide; and Whereas, the present system has spawned a cycle of hostility by the incarceration of disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups; and Whereas, the number of people who have contracted AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases from contaminated hypodermic needles is epidemic under our present system; and Whereas, in our society's zeal to pursue our criminal approach, legitimate medical uses for the relief of pain and suffering of patients have been suppressed. Therefore be it resolved that our society must recognize drug use and abuse as the medical and social problems that they are and that they must be treated with medical and social solutions; and Further be it resolved that an objective commission be immediately empowered by the President and by Congress to recommend revision of the drug laws of these United States in order to reduce the harm our current policies are causing. Signature:_______________________________________ Date:______________ Name:___________________________________________ Title:______________ Organization:_________________________________________________________ Please send to: Jim Rosenfield, c/o 7400 Bandini Blvd., Commerce CA 90040 and send a copy to to: President Bill Clinton, White House, Washington, DC ----------------------------------------------------------------- List of Hoover Institution Resolution Signers Preliminary List: July 23, 1993 *** Original Signers *** Kurt Schmoke, Mayor, Baltimore, Maryland Dr. Milton Friedman, Nobel laureate, Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University George Shultz, Former Secretary of State, Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Joseph D. McNamara, Ph.D., Former Police Chief of San Jose, Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Herbert Berger, M.D., Internationally recognized expert on drug abuse, Long Island, NY Harvey Rose, M.D., Author of California's "Intractable Pain Treatment Act" Frederick Meyers, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of California at San Francisco, Head of the California State Research Advisory Panel on Drugs Jack McCarthy, M.D., Sacramento, CA Gary Davis, M.D. Benson Roe, M.D. Stephen Fisher, M.D. S. Clarke Smith, M.D. Judge James P. Gray, Orange County Superior Court, Santa Ana, CA Judge James Smith, Orange County Superior Court, Santa Ana, CA Federal Magistrate Ronald R. Rose Reverend Leonard Jackson, First A.M.E. Church of Los Angeles Reverend J. D. Moore, First A.M.E. Church of Los Angeles Richard Arthur, Educator, Former High School Principal, Author of " Gangs and Schools", Oakland, CA Gibb Martin, Founder, No More Drug War, Los Angeles, CA Katherine H. Smith, Founder, Group Resolving Anti-Social Problems (GRASP) , Anaheim, CA Howard Lavine, Mayor's Office, Baltimore, Maryland Clifford A. Schaffer, Author, Computer Consultant, Canyon Country, CA *** Public Officials *** Frank Jordan, Mayor, City of San Francisco, California Susan Hammon, Mayor, City of San Jose, California Elihu Harris, Mayor, City of Oakland, California Robert R. Nolan, Mayor, City of Upland, California Senator John Vasconcellos, Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, California State Senate, Sacramento, CA Rebecca Q. Morgan, State Senator, California State Senate, Sacramento, CA Greg R. Buckwalter, M.P.H., House of Representatives, State Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii Arlo Smith, District Attorney, San Francisco, CA Harriet M. Wieder, County Supervisor, County of Orange Emma Bonino, Deputy Speaker, Italian Chamber of Deputies, Secretary, Radical Trans-National Party, Rome, Italy The Honorable Whitman Knapp, Senior U.S. District Judge, Southern District of New York The Honorable James C. Paine, U.S. District Judge, Southern District of Florida The Honorable Charles W. Froehlich, Jr., Associate Justice, California Court of Appeals, Fourth Appellate District The Honorable William A. Newsom, Associate Justice, California Court of Appeals, First Appellate District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, United States District Court, San Francisco, CA Judge Robert W. Sweet, United States District Court, New York, NY Judge Lawrence Storch, Superior Court, County of Ventura, California Judge Leighton Hatch, Sacramento, California Judge Bert L. Swift, San Bernardino Municipal Court, San Bernardino, California Judge Reid M. Spencer, General District Court, Norfolk, VA Judge Russel A. Bostrom, (Retired), Orange County Municipal Court, Orange County, CA Alan H. Dodds, Foreign Service Officer (Retired), U.S. Dep'tof State Jim Toledano, Former Regent, University of California J. Tilman Williams, Councilman (Retired), Garden Grove, California Daniel H. Ninburg, M.D., Commissioner, Orange County Human Relations Commission, Orange County, California Robert H. Silverman, Sr., Deputy, Orange County Marshal's Department Robert L. Slaughter, Attorney, Captain (Retired), San Diego Police Department, San Diego, California Clark W. Baker, Police Officer, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles, California David M. Lawrence, Deputy Probation Officer, Riverside County, California Ann DeMarco, Deputy Probation Officer, Orange County, California Earl R. McClure, Sergeant (Retired) San Jose Police Department, Instructor in Narcotics, De Anza College Daniel B. Jeffs, Chief Investigator, County Public Defender, San Bernardino, California Karl B. Hutchinson, Law Enforcement Coordinator, Sacramento Public Safety Center, Sacramento, California Mary Kay Rudolph, Corrections Coordinator, Sacramento Public Safety Center, Sacramento, California Tiffany Johnston, Group Counselor, Probation Officer, Orange County, California Paul D. Muntz, Probation Director, Los Angeles County Probation Department, Los Angeles, California Doris Waterman, Volunteer Probation Officer, Orange County Probation Department, Orange County, California Larry Cole, Attorney, Tennessee Department of Mental Health, Memphis, TN Judith A. Lookabill, Assistant Superintendent, Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, CA Mike A. Nisperos, Jr., Esq., Director, Mayor's Office of Drugs and Crime, Oakland, CA ***** Organizations ***** California Central Democratic Committee American Civil Liberties Union, Los Angeles Chapter Advocates for Self-Government, Atlanta, GA - Carol Ann Rand, President Libertarian Party, Alamogordo, New Mexico, Kay Stone, Chairman Family Council on Drug Awareness, Los Angeles, CA, Chris Conrad, Pres. Center for Independent Thought, New York, New York, Andrea Rich, Pres. Illinois Marijuana Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, Mike Rosiny, Coordinating Director Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, Wash., DC, Eric Sterling, Pres. Save Our Liberties, San Rafael, California, Eric Harlow, President, Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy, Father Joseph Ganssle, President California Drug Policy Reform Coalition, San Francisco, CA, Joey Tranchina, Dale Gieringer, Co-Directors Mainliners, London, England, John Mordaunt, Director New South Wales Drug Users and AIDS Association, New South Wales, Australia, Dave Burrows, Co-Coordinator San Francisco Drug Advisory Board, San Francisco, CA Wendy Goldberg, President Marylouise Adlo-Robinson, Vice-President Eric Brizee, Executive Officer Michelle Aldrich John James Entwistle, Jr. Iris Garcia Stefano Hillman *** Medical Profession *** Anna Halverstadt Freud, M.D., Psychiatrist, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Freek Polak, Psychiatrist, M.D., Amsterdam, The Netherlands Eric Fromberg, Ph.D., Neurophysiologist, Dutch Institute for Alcohol and Drugs, Eutrecht, The Netherlands Board of Directors, California Academy of Family Practice Barbara Kostick, M.D. M.F. Harris, Jr., M.D. Robert C. M. Bourne, M.D. Renee Armstrong, Medical Student Mary E. Frank, M.D. Norman J. Rosen, M.D. Ingeborg B. Shaffer, M.D. Paulette J. Adams, M.D. Jean L. Ray, M.D. Warren F. Brandle, M.D. John P. Crivaru, M.D. Richard E. Katz, M.D. Alexandra Korin, M.D. Roberta A. Pedrin, M.D. Merritt S. Matthews, M.D. Kenneth B. Reed, M.D. Jonathan Mann, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Harvard University James K. Lightfoot, M.D., California Department of Health Services Maureen Womack, Nurse Evaluator II, California Dep't of Health Services Lolita N. Yabut, Registered Nurse, California Dep't of Health Services Ralph J. Turner, M.D., California Dep't of Health Services Bobbie Johnson, Registered Nurse, California Dep't of Health Services Barry Solomon, Pharmaceutical Consultant, Calif Dep't of Health Services Sonia Santiago, AGPA, California Department of Health Services Qunitina Carreon, OA II, California Department of Health Services Emily Horn, OSSI, California Department of Health Services Neal Kaufman, M.D., Director, Primary Care Pediatrics, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Beverly Hills, California Harold Amer, M.D., Director, Pediatric Critical Care, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Beverly Hills, California Fritzi Werner, Registered Nurse, Program Supervisor in Drug Abuse, Siskiyou General Hospital, Yreka, California Lenora M. Lawrence, Pharmacist, Siskiyou General Hospital, Yreka, CA Lenora M. Laurence, Pharmacist, Siskiyou General Hospital Linda M. Koopman, Pharmacy Clerk, Siskiyou General Hospital, Yreka, CA Andrea Rubin, Medical Assistant, Siskiyou General Hospital, Yreka, CA Susan Walpert, Medical Assistant, Siskiyou General Hospital, Yreka, CA June Rene Fox, Registered Nurse, Siskiyou General Hospital, Yreka, CA Ruth McBride, Registered Nurse William Schwied, M.D., Orange Co. Health Care Agency, Orange County, CA Brian Fitch, M.D., University of California at Irvine Medical Center Dr. John M. Zasadny, Podiatrist, Torrance, California Dr. Alex Go, President, Garden Park Medical Clinic, Anaheim, California Gasto De Carlo, M.D., Colonel, USAF (Retired) Charles S. Grob, M.D., Director, Psychiatric Residency Program, Director, Child Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, University of California at Irvine Theodore C. Smith, M.D. Santa Ana, CA Thomas Coad, D.D.S., Garden Grove, CA Alice Murphy, Registered Nurse, Long Island, NY Joanne Morris, Registered Nurse, Fresno, CA Dr. Jeri Rose, Doctor of Chiropractic, Altadena, CA Dr. Ronald Hutchings, Doctor of Chiropractic, Altadena, California Dr. Robert M. Solow, DDS, Woodland Hills, California Dr. Michael Robertson, DDS, DMD, Woodland Hills, California James D. Tovey, M.D., Benicia, CA John Isherwood, M.D., Napa, CA Henry L. Foucher, M.D., Anaheim, California Andrea Morrison, M.D., Tarzana, California Jack Connole, O.D., Newport-Balboa Rotary Club, Newport Beach, California Fred Raleigh, Pharm.D., Atascadero, California Robert Fromer, Director, Fromer Psychological Center, Upland, California Patricia B. Fromer, Business Admin., Fromer Psychological Ctr, Upland, CA Brenda J. Hopley, M.F.C. Intern, Fromer Psychological Center, Upland, CA Susan M. Judy, Registered Nurse, Huntington Beach, California Athena Miller, Registered Nurse, University of California at Irvine George K. Fuller, M.D., Oakland, CA Herman Siegel, M.D., Los Angeles, California Pravin Kansagram, M.D., Orange County Mental Health, Orange County, CA William Grant Loomis, M.D. Community Mental Health, Orange County, CA Steven J. Marcus, M.D., Beverly Hills, California Gerald B. Whitman, M.D., Beverly Hills, California Harry B. Dickinson, Laboratory Consultant, California Department of Health Services - Audits and Investigations H. Fong, Pharmacist, Altadena, California Arthur A. Walton, D.P.M., Newport Beach, California Marilynn J. Pratt, M.D., Founder/Director Women's Institute and Health Center, Los Angeles, California Bob Cuyler, D.D.S., Dentist, Corona Del Mar, California Gary Alford, M.D. West Hills, California David M. Davis, M.D., Santa Ana, California Charlene A. Richards, Registered Nurse, Appointee - California Democratic Party - 36th Congressional District Gary L. Hardegen, M.D., Pres., Anaheim Skin Medical Center, Anaheim, CA E.T. Moran, M.D., Newport Beach, California Brian Robertson, M.D., Arroyo Grande, California Dennis L. Randall, M.D., Orange County, California Carl K. Pearlman, M.D., Orange County Public Health and Clinical Professor Emeritus, University of California at Irvine Medical School Robert N. Akeley, M.D. Oakland, California Paul F. Reardon, M.D., University of California at Irvine Michael W. Kistler, M.D., Palm Springs, California Irwin D. Zim, M.D., Hillsborough, CA Steven Auer, M.D. Malilen, CA Andrew Rose, Tri-City Health Center, Fremont, CA Micky Daxbury, Tri-City Health Center, Fremont, CA Jan Falk, Executive Director, Center for Human Development, Pleasant Hill, CA David Franks, Tri-City Health Center, Fremont, CA Daniel Liebowitz, M.D. Director of Medical Education, Sequoia Hospital, Redwood City, CA David M. Duffy, M.D., Torrance, California Mardi Wally, Administrative Assistant, Health Care, Sacramento, CA Tina Acciltola, Health Care Professional, Sacramento, CA Sally A. Wright, Health Care Professional, Folsom, CA Louise Maestretti, Health Care Professional, Sacramento, CA Dr. Ernest Drucker, Department of Epidemiology & Social Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY L. W. Epsen, M.D. Redwood City, CA *** Law Enforcement and Social Services *** Anthony Ribera,Chief of Police, San Francisco, California Joe Cobarruviaz, Chief of Police, San Jose, California Bob Nichelini, Acting Chief of Police, Oakland, California Michael Hennessey, Sheriff, City and County of San Francisco, California William B. Rumford, Ph.D., Chief of Security, Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA Alissa Riker, Program Director, San Francisco, CA Michael S. Hebel, Captain, San Francisco Police Department, San Francisco, CA Vincent Schiraldi, Executive Director, Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice, San Francisco, CA Jodi Schwartz, Administrative Director, Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice, San Francisco, CA James N. Speros, Sergeant of Police, San Francisco Police Department, San Francisco, CA Kathleen Connolly, Program Case Worker, San Francisco, CA Kenneth L. Christie, San Jose Police Department, San Jose, CA Dr. J. Mark Robinson, Clinical Psychologist, Orange County Health Care Agency, Orange County, California Abn Qadir Al-Amin, Director, SLP, San Francisco, California Keith Harris, Clinical Psychologist, San Bernardino County Department of Mental Health, San Bernardino, CA Clarence Lee Brooks, LCSW, San Bernardino County Department of Mental Health, San Bernardino, CA Ruthann Simmons, Ph.D., Supervisor, Counseling & Medical Center, Montclair, CA Marius A. Robinson, Institute of Noetic Science,University of California at Irvine William L. Mikulas, Professor of Psychology, University of West Florida Carmen A. McNamara Giordano, Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor, Mission Viejo, CA Kelly L. Holt, Community Employment Trainer, Orange County Association for Retarded Citizens, Orange, CA Crystal Marie Knox, Community Employment Trainer, Orange County Association for Retarded Citizens, Orange, CA Cheri Y. Marsh, Community Employment Trainer, Orange County Association for Retarded Citizens, Orange, CA Catherine Rupp Bell, Assistant Program Manager, Orange County Association for Retarded Citizens, Orange, CA Angela M. Garcia, Social Worker, New Life For Children, San Ysidro, CA Ann Alper, M.A., MFCT, Marriage, Family , Child Therapist, San Diego, CA Marc Kern, Ph.D., Director/Psychologist, Addiction Alternatives, Santa Ana, CA Evelyn R. Walter, Teacher, Santa Ana, CA Richard Clarke, Teacher, Anaheim Union School District, Anaheim, CA Ann G. Plunkett, Teacher, Sisters of St. Joseph of Corondelet, Los Angeles, CA Joseph N. Feinstein, MFCC, Van Nuys, CA *** Media and Entertainment *** Hugh Downs, ABC News, New York, NY Janis Paige, Actress/President, Ipanema Music Corp., Hollywood, CA Danny Glover, Actor, Hollywood, CA Kip Konwiser, Producer, Shadow Hill Entertainment, Santa Monica, CA Rudy De Luca, Writer, Brooks Films, Hollywood, CA Gail H. Evans, CNN, Atlanta, GA Susan Toffler, CNN, Atlanta, GA Stephen Adams, Editor, California Family Law Report, Sausalito, CA Brian Kelleher, Publisher, Flush Rush Quarterly, San Diego, CA Shane N. Smith, Comedian, Anaheim, CA Alan W. Bock, Senior Columnist, Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA James Greer, Radio Talk Show Host, Albuquerque, NM Lonnie Bee, Artist/Illustrator, Orinda, CA Peter Jon Shuler, KQED, Inc., San Francisco, CA Patricia Soberanis, Editor/Publisher, American Voices, San Francisco, CA Ralph A. and Natalie Kennedy, Editors, Fullerton Observer, Fullerton, CA Thomas R. Daly, Publisher, Georgetown Gazette, Georgetown, CA Donald E. Armstrong, Cartoonist, Redlands, California *** Members of the Clergy *** Central Conference of American Rabbis Rev. Bruce Larson, Co-Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California Father Joseph Ganssle, OFM, President, Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy, Denver, Colorado Pastor Andrew L. Gunn, President, Clergy for an Enlightened Drug Policy, St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Washington, DC Rabbi Haim Asa, Temple Beth Tikvah of North Orange County, California Reverend Grayson Atha, Minister, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio Rabbi Alan Frehling, University Synagogue, Los Angeles, Steven Rubin. Elat Israel Synagogue Ateven Carr Reuben, Senior Rabbi, Kehillath Yisrael Synagogue James W. Prescott, Ph.D., Director, Institute of Humanistic Science, San Diego, CA Reverend Thomas L. Sheridan, S.J., St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ Reverend Jonathan Tetherly, Chicopee, Massachusetts Reverend Alexander A. Di Lella, OFM, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC Rabbi Rav A. Soloff, Ph.D., Lansdale, PA Reverend William Wallace Finlator, Raleigh, North Carolina Father Joseph P. Kane, S.J., Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Gabriel Camacho, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Sister Marion Defeis, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Salimov Djabi, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Charles Dunston, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Ann Dub Hare, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Abij Hasan, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Sister Marie A. Henry, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Sister Marie Hermann, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Malik A. Kareem, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Sister Constance Kennedy, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Anas Khalid, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Rufino Lecumberri, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Jane H. Leggett, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Maria Lopez, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Lawrence E. Lucas, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Father Walter Mitchell, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Askia Muhammad, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections S. Mary O'Connor, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Reverend Francis J. Passenant, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Rabbi Herbert Richtman, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Father John Soles, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections John H. Wilkinson, Chaplain, New York City Department of Corrections Rev. Alan Albert Snow, Independent Humanist Ministers, Balboa Island, CA Rev. Joan Torribio, M.A., Washington, DC Rev. James K. Babcock, Pastor, Holy Cross Melkite-Greek Catholic Church, Fullerton, CA Farris Lee Huff, Ministerial Service, Jehovah's Witnesses, Compton, CA Marian Gallagher, Sisters of St. Joseph of Corondelet, Los Angeles, CA Sister Bernadette Floersch, Sisters of St. Joseph of Corondelet, Los Angeles, CA Sister Margaret Reilly, Sisters of St. Joseph of Corondelet, Los Angeles, CA Cecilia Nevin, Sisters of St. Joseph of Corondelet, Los Angeles, CA Rev. Dr. David J. Jamieson, Conference Minister, United Church of Christ, San Francisco, CA David Sandberg, Senior Pastor, First Congregational Church, Berkeley, CA Paul J. Masquelier, Jr., Executive Presbyter, The Presbytery of San Jose, San Jose, CA Rev. David S. Sandborg, Senior Pastor, First Congregational Church, Berkeley, California The Reverend Connie White, Salinas, CA *** Legal Profession *** Rufus King, Attorney At Law, Washington, DC Jean Wilcox, J.D., San Francisco, CA David M. McCarthy, Jr., Attorney, Mansfield, MA Leona L. Lauder, Attorney at Law, San Francisco, CA Robert S. Rivkin, Attorney-At-Law, San Francisco, Ca Kate M. Schreuers, Attorney, Orange, CA Marilynn Mika Spencer, Attorney, National Lawyers Guild, San Diego, CA Jay S. Bloom, Attorney, Beverly Hills, CA Bertrand E. Cottle, Attorney, Orange, CA Charles L. Olobri, Attorney, Santa Ana, CA Jerry Manpearl, Attorney, Beverly Hills, CA Jan Goodman, Attorney, National Lawyers Guild, Beverly Hills, CA Michael Pancer, Attorney, San Diego, CA Donald Peters, Attorney, Newport Beach, CA Barbara Jo Peterson, Senior Paralegal, Encino, CA Jeannie S. Rinner, Legal Secretary, Orange, CA James E. Biava, Attorney, Malibu, CA Terry Phillips, Paralegal, San Diego, Ca Alan J. Chaset, Attorney, Alexandria, VA Robert A. Merring, Attorney, Newport Beach, CA Sharon Campbell, Court Reporter, Glendora, CA Hal Gunning, Attorney, Los Angeles, CA Allen Friel, Attorney, Los Angeles, CA Peter Hirsch, Attorney, New York, NY Heather MacKay, Pelican Bay Legal Services, San Quentin, CA John Mullen, Attorney At Law, Sacramento, CA Laurence A. Young, Esq. Attorney, Santa Ana, California Jeff Thomas, Esq., Public Defender, San Diego, California Eugene G. Iredale, Esq., Attorney, San Diego, California Ronald H. Gill, Esq., Attorney, Oxnard, California James E. Biana, Esq., Attorney at Law, Malibu, California Morris J. Kushner, Esq., Criminal Defense Attorney, Culver City, CA Paul Crane, Attorney *** Educators *** Dr. James Doti, President, Chapman University, Orange, CA Father Paul Locatelli, President, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA W. Norman Johnson, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired), Dean and Vice-President of Boston University Celia C. Anaya-Conboy, Psychotherapist/Diversion Counselor, Orange County Center for Health, Anaheim, CA Charles T. Tart, Professor of Psychology, Univ of California at Davis Mary Sauer, Teacher, (Retired), Santa Ana, CA Linda Avanzino, High School Teacher, Santa Ynez, CA Stephanie Bolling, Teacher, Berkeley Adult School, Berkeley, CA James Kopp, Senior Tutor, Laubach Literary Council, El Reno, OK Mitch Palmer, Master Tutor, Laubach Literary Council, El Reno, OK Judith Cohen, Advocate, Learning Disabilities Association, San Diego, CA Lester Cohen, Professor (Retired), San Diego State Univty, San Diego, CA Sam Young, M.A., M.S.,Teacher/Assistant Professor, Magnolia High, National University, Santa Ana, CA Mark Bockstahler, Licensed Educational Psychologist, Irvine Unified School District, Irvine, CA Rosalinda Guzman, Psychotherapist, Orange County Center for Health, Anaheim, CA Robert E. Williams, Sr. Fellow, Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Cheri Gilmour, Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Pamela Webster, Teacher, Rossier School, Orange, CA Stephanie Harris, Sign Language Interpreter, Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, CA John H. Engler, Coordinator of In-Patient Mental Health Services, Goddard Medical Associates, U.C. at Irvine Frances Vaughan, Psychologist, Anaheim, CA Katarina A. Thomas, MFCC, Counseling and Medical Clinic, Montclair, CA James Bunyan Parsons, Professor of History, Emeritus, University of California at Riverside William R. Mead, Ph.D., Clinical Director, Mental Health Systems, Inc., San Diego, CA Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D., Department of Educational Psychology, NIU, Portola Valley, CA Robert C. Fellmeth, Professor and Director, Center For Public Interest Law, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA Manfred A. Wallner, M.D., J.D. Professor of Law, Western State University School of Law Kay J. Stenberg, Clinical Social Worker, Teacher, Santa Monica, CA Ronald L. Alkana, Professor, USC, Los Angeles, CA Dr. Gregson Lawrence, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, USC Scott Bollens, Assistant Professor, School of Social Ecology, University of California at Irvine Bruce Berg, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Victoria Bernal, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Michael L. Burton, Professor, University of California at Irvine Kitty Calavita, Associate Professor, University of California at Irvine Ken Chew, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Benjamin N. Colby, Professor, University of California at Irvine Randall Crane, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Amrita Daniere, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine David Easton, Professor, University of California at Irvine Jonathan Ericson, Professor, University of California at Irvine J. G. Ferguson, Associate Professor, University of California at Irvine Paula Garb, Research/Lecturer, University of California at Irvine Robert Garfias, Professor, University of California at Irvine Michelle Garfinkel, Assistant Professor, UC Irvine Kyle Johnson, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Sheen Kassouf, Professor, University of California at Irvine Daniel Klein, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Karen Leonard, Professor, University of California at Irvine R. Duncan Luce, Professor, University of California at Irvine Lisa Malkki, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Keith McBurrett, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Raymond Novaco, Professor, University of California at Irvine Richard Perry, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Ross Quillian, Associate Professor, University of California at Irvine Karen Rook, Professor, University of California at Irvine Arthur J. Rubel, Professor, University of California at Irvine Dorothy Solinger, Professor, University of California at Irvine Alec Stone, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine Rein Taagepera, Professor, University of California at Irvine Bryan J. Vila, Assistant Professor, University of California at Irvine John Yellott, Professor, University of California at Irvine Keith R. Stroud, Principal, Capistrano Unified School District, CA *** Business *** Jack P. Lauderbaugh, First Vice President - Investments, Prudential Securities, San Jose, CA Wm. B. Wilson, Wm. B. Wilson Companies, Midland, TX Irv Weidel, President, Overseas Marketing Exchange Charles F. Bennett, President, Bennett & Associates, Ojai, CA Jo Ann Brissenben, Manager, Committee Software, Ojai, CA Daniel Paul Plainhill, Marketing Dir, Rock Balloons, Hermosa Beach, CA Jan Charles Gray, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, Ralphs Grocery Company, Los Angeles, CA Alexander Khan, President, Geofon, Inc. Cypress, CA James L Rushing, Owner, Retail Store David G. Slaton, Vice-President, Sandlin Associates, Downey, CA Robert B. Collette, Owner, Collete's Discount Appliances, Parker, AZ Bob Collete, Owner, Lakeside Air Conditioning, Parker, AZ Susan B. Karter, Collette's Discount Appliances, Parker, AZ Thomas James Cleary, Chief Executive Officer, T. C. Steel, Inc., Spring Valley, CA Gary Barnhill, President, Barnhill & Associates, Corona Del Mar, CA David N. Hubbard, Kiwanis International, Newport Beach, CA Roland Kelly, Partner, Spectrum Asset Management, Newport Beach, CA Clinton Roe, Co-Owner, Mulhearn Realtors Richard B. Dickson, Realtor, Newport Beach, CA Gary A. Gagnon, Night Plant Superintendent, Cergro, Fountain Valley, CA Mark Johnson, Mark A. Johnson Tribal Arts, Irvine, CA Steve Bergren, Principal, Real Estate Strategies, Santa Clara, CA John F. Blokker, President, Luxcom, Inc., Fremont, CA Don Bradshaw, Kiska Oil Company, Tulsa, OK Thomas L. Young, Young Radio, Inc, Napa, CA Theodore P. Horwitz,, President, Price Charities, La Jolla, CA Henri A. Jarrat, Jarrat Global Enterprises, Inc., San Jose, CA J. Robert Gilroy, President, First West Capital Corp., Newport Beach, CA Janice Neiman, Real Estate Broker, Sherman Oaks, CA Christopher J. Boucher, Chief Executive Officer, The Hempstead Co., Costa Mesa, CA David T. Martyn, General Manager, The Hempstead Co., Costa Mesa, CA D. E. Stafford, President, Cultural Access Network, Laguna Beach, CA Bart Ellis, LCSW, Executive Director, Re-Socialiation Skills, Inc, Santa Monica, CA Michael J. Salisbury, Sr. Administrative Staff Engineer, Xortech, Inc., Woodland Hills, CA Martin Vangerov, Technical Manager, Xortech, Inc., Woodland Hills, CA Peggy Howard, Vice-President, Wiseman & Burke, Inc., Glendale, CA T. I. Ridley, Consultant, Jefferson Associates Michael Puschak, Owner, Essex General Construction, Parisppany, NJ Don Coulson, President, Don Coulson and Associates, Newport Beach, CA Sarah James, Sarah James Tax Consultants, Long Beach, CA Sandra L. Sisk, Regional Manager, National ATM Systems, Anaheim, CA Margaret E. Miller, Regional Manager, National ATM Systems, Anaheim, CA Madelyn Burkey-Allen, Owner, Dynamics of Human Behavior, San Mateo, CA Patricia Teal, Teal Literary Agency, Anaheim, CA Steve White, Operations Manager, Orange Julius, City of Industry, CA Ulrich E. Keller, Jr., Managing Partner, Keller, Coad, & Collins, John Hakopian, Portfolio Manager, Keller, Coad & Collins Gary L. Davidson, Chrmn, American Retirement Villas Corp., Costa Mesa, CA Harrell Graham, Owner, EarthSpace Enterprises, Harold D. Duncan, Director, J.D. Property Management, Costa Mesa, CA Larry Beausoleil, President, Fidelity Capital Mortgage, Los Angeles, CA Marvin Minor, Owner, Inland Home & Office Furniture, San Bernardino, CA Ronald A. Johnson, Owner, The Advisor Consulting Service, Westlake Village, California William Ruhle, President, Ruhle and Associates, Newport Beach, CA Phyllis Avery, Author, San Diego, California John Bopp, Educator, Hingham, MA Max J. Rosenberg, Rearguard Productions, Inc., Los Angeles, CA Noel Santiago, Manager, SLP, San Francisco, CA Shared Living Resource Center, Berkeley, CA Russell E. Shaw, The Life Project, Inc., Longmont, CO Barbara G. Sianez, President, California Visitor Corporation, Folsom, CA Bill Somerville, President, Philanthropic Ventures Foundation, Menlo Park, CA Theodore Rosenbaum, Vice President, People for a National Health Program David Dobbins, Chief Executive Officer, Genlabs, Inc. Mark Jones, Lt. Col. USMC (Retired), President, Effective Management Specialists, Los Angeles, California Harold D. Duncan, Director, J.D. Property Mgmt, Inc. Costa Mesa, CA Dale G. Wier, Counselor, Rational Recovery, Palm Springs, California Fern Siegel, President, Bnai B'rith Women of Laguna Hills, California John and Susan Johnson, Owner, Sentinel Property Tax Consultants, Chatsworth, California Alvin Shemesh, President, Kiwanis Club, Capistrano Valley, California Penny Fleck, President, Women's Club of San Juan Capistrano, California Steve Fleck, Director, Kiwanis Club of Capistrano Valley, California Dr. Max Holland, President, Friends of the Library, San Juan Capistrano Don C. Stott, Past President, Kiwanis Club of Capistrano Valley, C --